Thursday, February 10, 2011

about campaign mom

We are mothers.


Though we will accomplish much in the fields of education, literature, art, music, industry, public service & humanitarianism, we know that no accomplishment will equal the joy we find within the walls of our own homes as nurturers and educators of the leaders of tomorrow.

Motherhood is not a last resort, or second choice, or something we do as a result of failing to realize greater potential within ourselves or elsewhere... rather, it is our first choice, greatest joy, and singularly what we believe to be the best and most expedient way to effect positive change in the world around us.

We love ALL WOMEN, and respect and honor their right to choose the path of life that brings them joy whether this be in the home or in the workplace. True feminism {I believe} is loving and supporting women from all walks of life as they pursue their dreams...whatever those dreams may be.


likeschocolate said...

I love being a mom and fight every day to be a stay at mom. While I know some mothers can't stay at home, I would rather live in a: smaller home, where clothes from target, and not drive a fancy car that has food stains in the seats to be with my children. It makes me feel sad when woman feel less than for being just a mom. I am proud to be just a mother.

Lisa said...

This is beautiful! I am joining this blog and coming back here often. It's hard being the stay at home, home school mom. Someday NO ONE likes you and it's hard to remember I do this because it's the most important job in the world! :) THANKS!!!! I ready for the day. :)

Tracey Lynne said...

I heart being a MOM. It's all I've ever wanted to be.